Since 2011, the Friends have spent over £100,000 restoring and maintaining the Church. Here are a selection of our projects.

Current Project
Urgent Repairs to Porch - 2024

Help us raise £10k to repair church porch
The porch on our Grade I listed church has become unsafe and has crumbling masonry. Due to the age of the church, the work needed to repair it has to be carried out by specialists and the estimate is £10,000. We will be carrying out a number of fund raising activities to raise the money but if you feel you could donate directly it would be much appreciated.
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November 2022
Commemorative Plaque
Installed on a panel to the right of the door to the tower, is this plaque to the late Col. Jeremy Dumas, the founder of the Friends.

completed August 2013
Chancel - East Window
The window was in great need of cleaning and restoration and of course this could only be carried out professionally by specialists. Externally the window, including the window supports, had fallen into disrepair and were in urgent need of attention. Terry Slowgrove and David Harvey of Trinity Leaded Lights, Peldon, were awarded the Contract. This Company have huge experience and have undertaken projects at Brentwood and Bury St Edmonds Cathedrals. The work on The East Window involved replacing the exterior grille with new epoxy coated stainless steel, repairing cracked glass with lead cames and stopping up a hole. The window was cleaned inside and out using brushes, cloths and de-ionised water. The total estimate was £3,184.

completed August 2011
South Aisle Window
After the cold winter of 2009, we found the south aisle window mullions detached and bowing outwards from the structural frame. These windows are built from medieval and Tudor brick, reinforced with Tudor ironwork.The repair required removing the external brickwork and replacing with antique bricks fixed to the structure with stainless steel pins.The whole area needed to be rendered using traditional methods.

completed Spring 2013
Church External Lighting
As the photo here shows the addition of floodlighting to the church exterior shows the church to great effect at night. The Friends contributed £2,855 towards the cost of this project, paying for some of the solar panels. The lighting of the church tower however was funded by Ed Taylor in memory of his wife Linda Taylor and Ed and the Friends worked closely together on this project.

completed September 2013
Repairs to the Tower Roof
A survey revealed that it was necessary to replace some slipped tiles and carry out some other minor repairs to the tower roof to keep it weathertight. The work was completed in September 2013.

completed Summer 2014
Refurbishment of Memorial Rail
The memorial rail which crosses the church between the pulpit and the organ manual commemorates the sacrifice of local people during the First World War. Over the years some of the lettering had become cracked or was missing, the varnish had deteriorated and some of the fluting was damaged. It was decided by the PCC that it would be appropriate – in this centenary year remembering the First World War – to repair and renovate the rail. The Friends agreed to underwrite the cost of the work. The work was undertaken by church member James Taylor who generously donated his labour free-of-charge. The work involved re-making the damaged letters in lead, removing and replacing old varnish and shellac and repairing some of the fluting. It is understood that in all this amounted to some twenty hours of work. The Friends paid for the cost of materials used.

completed Summer 2014
Church Hall entrance
After much discussion involving the planning authorities and English Heritage, work on upgrading the Hall entrance was finally completed in Summer 2014. The work has included the doubling of the doors to facilitate disabled access, and the provision of a canopy to provide shelter. The area was decorated and cleaned during the Autumn 2014 Half Term. The Friends were happy to fund this project as the hall and entrance are used at every event and the upgraded facilities will enhance the experience for our audiences.

completed Summer 2014
Church Electrical Systems
Following a detailed insurance and electrical survey it had been discovered that the Church needs significant work to the (two) lightning conductor circuits, and also the 3-phase electricity supply and associated equipment. Additional earthing rods and a new heavy-duty electrical distribution board were also required. The work was contracted to local electricians EFS using a specialist lightning contractor JW Gray of Braintree and has now been completed. All the Church’s electrical systems have now been certified up to modern standards. The cost of the work was fully funded by The Friends.

completed October 2015
Installation of low energy and event lighting
As a cost saving measure and to improve the lighting in the church both for general use and to provide additional lighting for recitals, concerts and other special events, new low-energy lighting fittings have been installed throughout the church. The Friends funded this project.

completed November 2015
New Tower Access Ladder
The project to replace the old ladder providing access from the tower bell chamber to the tower roof has now been completed (November 2015) The previous tower access ladder, although still structurally sound, fell significantly short of current safety standards. It was nearly 17ft high and exceptionally steep (72°) with no handrail (see pictures below) Quite terrifying! – and totally unsuitable for public access.

completed May 2017
Redecoration of the Church Interior
The cost of this major project was approximately £30,000 to which ‘The Friends’ contributed £20,000, the balance being contributed by the Church’s own appeal fund. The project was co-ordinated and overseen by church member Geoff Sexton. The work included re-rendering and making good a number of areas where the existing surface has begun to fail.

completed November 2017
Maintenance of north tiled roof
The Friends paid for the removal of moss from the north tiled roof and the clearing of waterways. It was considered essential to carry out this important maintenance work before the worst of the winter gales and rain arrived.

completed October 2015
Installation of low energy and event lighting
As a cost saving measure and to improve the lighting in the church both for general use and to provide additional lighting for recitals, concerts and other special events, new low-energy lighting fittings have been installed throughout the church. The Friends funded this project.